Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Second Language

Today was officially my first day with a full Spanish schedule. By the last half hour in my second Spanish class after already having had three and a half hours worth of Spanish classes for the day, I thought my brain was about to keel over. After it reached what I thought was maximum capacity, it literally went numb. I had never experienced that numb cooling sensation in my brain like what Iceyhot does for exhausted muscles. I continued on in my day to help lead an "English Conversation Club" at a place in which Spanish speakers go to learn English. As my partner, Victoria, and I were leaving we realized that the majority of the students were not leaving but rather staying for the next "Club" in order to go even further in their English. It was quite convicting how they stayed hours on their own to learn my language, yet I have had such trouble even beginning to learn theirs. I am very blessed to have this opportunity to run beyond the horizons of familiarity, stretch myself beyond what I knew to be possible, and breech misconceptions held out of ignorance. Praise God for His gift of language, of communication, of interaction with other souls, for from each other, we can learn far more than just studying on our own.

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