Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 18, 2010: Guanani People

The Guanani people are the indigenous people who have lived around the Iguazu Falls for centuries.  We went to their land and were blessed to see a bit of their lifestyle and culture.  They have suffered and gone through many difficulties, but despite their struggles, they still hold to their core values.  The greatest thing that struck me about these people, was their view on possessions.  Nothing really holds greater value in the terms of "Gold is more valuable than silver." They weigh worth based off of necessity and need.  So, if they don't need a cell phone, but NEED water, they will trade their phone for a filled water bottle.  It is such a foreign concept to me, but it holds great morals in the sense of not having greed or obsession with possessions.  God created them very unique with such a rich culture!

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