Saturday started off right. After 11 hours of sleep, I woke up to go run the "One World Run" 5K. The 5K always takes a lot of mental determination and discipline to finish though, but it felt so wonderful to have accomplished the feat in 28 minutes. Not only were in inner endorphins pumping and feeling great, but the visual stimulus of the beach and palm tree surroundings were also invigorating. After our group finished through, we all were treated to ice cream! Nothing like a refreshing lemon and raspberry sherbet to cool off with! After our bus ride back to Casa, a group of us went to our favorite burger joint, Lucas. We figured after running, we deserved to treat ourselves, ice cream then hamburgers! Great food after a run! My roommate and I went looking around the outdoor market for a soccer jersey because the next thing on our agenda for the day was FUTBOL!!! Words just cannot describe what South American futbol games entail. The wild crowds, the enthused spirit, and the lively atmosphere are all so enjoyable. After the game, came time for dinner at a local Pizzaria, mmmmmm, so good. It was a lovely Saturday back in the Montevidean culture.
Sunday morning started off right at well. After being spiritually fed by a podcast and worship music and a bit of productive homework time, hitting the fresh air was wonderful. Lunch with new visitors and walking around at the out door market was a nice remembrance of the culture around me. Though, seeing a peacock, an owl, and many little parrot chicks all caged uncomfortable pricked my heart. However, getting to pet the puppies and kittens gave a little joy. Buying gifts both at the market and the store was another bit of joy. I won't lie, buying myself some things too was enjoyable, as usual. While going about the market, the couple of us were talked to in different ways than usual. Usually people can tell that we are American. This time we were mistaken once for being French, and another time for being Brazilian; it was worth a laugh. All in all, the weekend was one enormous blessing of being welcomed back into Montevideo's arms.
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